Self Development
The Quality of your life can be Determined by What you Truly feel inside
If you want to know if you are living this life to the fullest, then try to check what you truly feel? Are you happy? Sad? Satisfied? Disappointed? Learn to evaluate your heart, and you will know the quality of your life. Sometimes, it’s not about what people see on the outside. This world has a different standard. People tend to label a person as successful if they can buy everything they want and do whatever they have in mind. But then, your life isn’t just about the earthly treasures that you have, but what’s in your heart matters most. What is the use of money if you never really…
Choose to Enjoy the Blessings that God Provided for you
You are surrounded by countless blessings. You just need to open your eyes so that you can see them. Choose to enjoy the blessings of God because that’s how you will see His hands and appreciate His ways. Focus on the positive things that happened around you. If you only knew how blessed you are, you will probably stop comparing yourself to others. Instead, you will learn to use what you have to glorify God in your life. You will see a lot of opportunities, and you will realize that God loves you so much. Learn to appreciate the simple things around you. Remember that you will never be who…
Rest is an Important Part of your Life’s Journey
You may think that working hard is the only way for you to achieve the things that you dreamed of, but sometimes, you need to take a rest in order for you to evaluate if what you are doing is still right or not. You need to reflect on the lessons you learned and check if you are still walking on the right path. Rest is an important part of your journey here on earth. You will never know the real status of your heart not unless you take some time to pause for a while and learn to listen. The things going on in your mind will help you…
The Righteous may fall, but they will Rise Again
For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.Proverbs 24:16, NIV Arise, beloved. Know that no matter how many setbacks you experience in life. You will be able to stand again and again as long as you stay with God and do the right thing. Do not be discouraged. Stop focusing on the mistakes you committed. This world may challenge you, but remember that nothing is impossible with God. He can perform miracles in your life. Hold on to His promises. Rest but never stop. The journey may be so tough, but He will give you the grace that you need. The…
Let your Beauty come from the Inside
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. 1 Peter 3:3-4, NIV When we are too exposed to social media, we tend to compare our beauty according to what we see. We follow the standards of this world and fail to appreciate the things that matter most in life. So if you feel so insecure about how you look or about the shape of your body, then always remember what God’s…
Never Dictate your Future according to the Pain you Experienced in the Past
Yes, you went through so many devastating moments in life, and you feel like there’s no hope left. But the past is in the past. And what you experienced before can never dictate your future. So never allow the painful memories to consume your heart. Know that God promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you. That means He will walk with you along the journey. He prepared great things ahead, so keep walking. It may not be an easy thing to do, but He will give you the strength that you need. Just don’t dwell on the past because it will hinder you from appreciating the blessings…
Surrender the Pain first, and Breakthroughs will Happen
You can’t heal yourself and make your heart whole again. You need God. So do not rely on your own strength. Surrender the pain, and only then will you experience the breakthroughs that you’ve been waiting for. The wounds inside will create fear, and it will hinder you from experiencing the great plans of God in your life. So stop dealing with it on your own. Your loving Father is just waiting for you to surrender everything. He is the only one who can help you. His love is so perfect, and He can mend your broken heart. Come to His presence, and He will give you the courage that…
Difficulties Exist not to Destroy you but to Promote you
How you handle the circumstances in your life matters in the way, you look at things. If you think that difficulties are there just to make you feel miserable, then you will never overcome them. But if you believe with all your heart that every situation that happened in your life, whether good or bad, has a greater purpose, you will always try your very best to get through it. God will never allow something to happen that will only destroy you in the end. He wants you to receive the fullness of His blessings. So treat every difficulty as His way of promoting you. He will take you to…
You will Understand the person when you Also experience the Same Pain
Maybe you have a lot of questions in your mind right now. You are wondering why toxic people exist. But believe it or not, they became so hard on others because they also experience pain in life. They went through something that they weren’t able to acknowledge. And unknowingly, they passed the pain to you. That’s why you feel so broken because of what they did. Remember that “Hurt people hurt people.” It means that those who went through pain will unconsciously hurt others if they do not acknowledge what they feel and go through the healing process. You will only understand the person in front of you when you…
God wants us to See People Through the Eyes of Love
This world is not perfect. That’s why there are moments when we feel so devastated, especially when people around us tend to do things that break our hearts. But despite the uncertainties and all the imperfections, God still wants us to see people through the eyes of love. He wants us to serve our neighbors. It’s not an easy thing to do. Most of the time, it’s so hard to do good things to those people who can’t even appreciate the great blessings around them. But then, we love not because of what others did for us, but simply because of what Jesus did on the cross just to save…