Challenges Are Opportunities For You To Increase Your Faith
You can always change your perspective. Sometimes, we look at the challenges as obstacles in achieving our dreams in life. But the truth is, behind the hardships are great opportunities for you to increase your faith. This is the moment when God will move and perform miracles in your life. All you need to do is believe in His power. Remind yourself about the great things that He did in your life before and know that He will never change. Treat this moment as God’s way of teaching you how to deeply trust in Him. You may not see the results of your efforts, but one day, you will learn to appreciate everything that God is doing behind the scene.
Learn to persevere and hold on to the promises of God. Do not dwell on your situation. Know that everything will change, and that includes all the problems that you are facing. Just be patient and choose to focus on the bright future that God prepared for you. By faith, believe with all your heart that what you are going through will pass. Focus on the blessings of God, and you will always find enough strength to move forward. Learn to appreciate the lessons behind the hardships that you are going through. Keep them inside your heart because they will serve as your weapon that will protect your life.
Let the challenges you face change you from the inside out. God will reveal to you the things you need to surrender, and when you choose to offer everything to Him, God will then move inside your heart. He will take away all the impurities you have inside, and you will begin to receive more of His blessings. He will set you free from the chains that hinder you from experiencing breakthroughs. God will let you see your true identity. And you will finally appreciate the blessings around you.
Know that God is leading you back to His arms. He will never destroy you. In fact, He is building your core foundation so that you will not easily get swayed by the temporary pleasures of this world. He is molding you into a better person. Your faith will take you to a place you’ve never been before. You will experience freedom, and it will not only change your life, but it will also bless other people. Treat this season as your chance to grow in the presence of God.