Challenges Will Always Be There, But God’s Grace Will Never Fail
We live in a broken world. Whether we like it or not, we will encounter problems in life. There are situations that we can never control, and it will sometimes test our faith in the Lord. But even though we go through unexpected events in life, always remember that God’s grace will never fail. He will provide enough blessings which will sustain all of us. God will never abandon us, especially in the difficult seasons of our lives. All we have to do is to increase our faith. Stop trying to understand everything. Let your faith be greater than the doubts you have inside. You may not know why you need to go through challenging experiences, but believe that God will never leave you behind.
The grace of God is enough. You may think that you lack resources, and you can never make it. But God already provided everything that you need. Just allow God to open the eyes of your heart so that you will be able to see the blessings that He already offered you all this time. Maybe your eyes are too focused on your problems. That’s why you fail to see the good things that He has been doing in your life. God will renew your strength every day. Stop worrying about your future. If God could sustain you in the past, then He will also take good care of you right now and in the future days to come.
Do not look at your own ability and strength. Focus on the power of God in your life. Remember His goodness in your life and never forget His promises. Claim every single word that He has been telling you and put it inside your heart. You can never make it on your own. You need the grace of God in your life. Sometimes, we go through difficult situations because of our mistakes and the wrong decisions we made in the past. But even though it seems like everything is all messed up. God will still be there to rescue us. He loves us too much to abandon us.
God wants you to get closer to Him. Don’t allow the challenges to destroy your relationship with Him. Let it become a way for you to depend more on Him. This season is an excellent opportunity for you to increase your faith. Learn to trust Him, and you will never be disappointed. We never really deserve His grace, but still, He gave it to us just to make us feel treasured and loved.

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Nathaniel Myles
In The Name Of Jesus AMEN!