Change won’t happen if you keep on Dwelling in the past
You can only see changes in the present or in the future. It’s not evident in the past. So if you are still hoping for your life to be better while you keep on dwelling on what happened, then expect things to be the same. You need to move forward and focus on what you can change in the present. What you experienced may be painful to the point that you no longer have the courage to take another step, but remember that you can never bring back your past. You need to learn how to let go. It may not be that easy, but it’s the only way for you to experience freedom. Brighter days are still ahead. Just learn to forgive yourself and the people who caused you pain.
Surrender your past to God. Allow Him to carry the burden with you. Cry out the pain to Him, for He is listening. Accept the things that are so hard for you to acknowledge then you can slowly let go of what happened. Trust that He will move in your life. Remember His promises and know that He is always true to His words. He is always faithful. Kneel down and freely let go of the things you can’t control. When you acknowledge His sovereignty in your life, you will also learn to move according to His ways. He prepared a bright future for you, and you can only experience it the moment you stop looking back and focus on the pain.
Listen to God, and you can overcome your past. He will walk with you along the process. It won’t be easy. Many times, the process will break your heart. It hurts, but it also purifies you in the end. Part of the journey is all about facing the consequences of what happened. It feels so uncomfortable at first, but the moment you learn to rely on God and learn to hold on to His promises, then you will slowly overcome the pain. Living in the present means embracing the fruits of the past. Things will appear so messy at first, but if you continue to seek God’s instructions, then you will always receive the strength to keep moving.
Change happens when you shift your mindset towards the painful things that you experienced. You need to learn how to see things the way God sees them. Sometimes, you will have negative conclusions about your past, and it will hinder you from experiencing more of God’s blessings. So try to ask God first about the right perspective that you should focus on. Acknowledge His voice, and only then will you slowly see the changes that you hoped to happen. It starts with an obedient heart to follow God’s instructions even if sometimes it doesn’t make sense.