Self Development

Change your Mindset, and your Feelings will Follow

Your thoughts are very powerful. It can affect your emotions and, eventually, your decisions in life. So if you want to experience complete transformation, then change the things that are going on in your mind. You need to reflect on your mindset so that you will have the ability to change what you feel. Emotions are often caused by our thoughts. So if you are trying to make a very hard decision right now and it seems like your feelings won’t cooperate, then try to dig deeper and ask yourself these questions. “What are the thoughts that you have been holding on to all this time? What are the lies that you need to let go of? And what are the truths that you need to accept?” If your mind is fixed, then your feelings will then follow. Don’t just merely control what you feel without working on your perspective. Pause and reflect. Try to figure out what specific mindset you need to change.

Learn the right perspective. Consult God and read the bible. You need to know the right thing to do, and God can help you with it. Try to expose yourself to the stories in the bible, and there you will learn God’s principles. You will know how and why He created us. The scriptures will change the way you see this life. When you study Jesus and His stories, you will realize what it truly means to follow God. And when your mind is familiar with His ways, that’s when you will also hear His voice. You will experience amazing things the moment you read the bible. There, you will encounter the creator of this universe.

Expose yourself to people who can give you the wisdom that you need in the season that you are in. Don’t just hide inside your own shelter. You need to explore new environments that will challenge you to grow and become a better person. Ask questions to the right people, and you will learn so many things just by listening to them. Pray that God will lead you to a place where you will be challenged to change your perspective. You may not always find these environments comfortable at first, but if you just go through the process with Him, you will eventually learn new things.

Let the Holy Spirit renew your mind. Humbly accept the truth that you need His help. You can’t simply do things on your own. Depend on God’s strength and walk with Him. Only then will you see things the way God sees them. And when that happens, your feelings will then be aligned with what God wants you to experience. So before you force yourself to change your emotions, just reflect on your thoughts first and allow God to change them.