Self Development

Check your Heart more often than you Check your Phone

What’s going on inside your heart is more important than the notifications you receive on your phone. Humans exist without mobile phones, but not without a heart. So if you know that you are not feeling okay, and if you think that the pain is too deep. Then stop finding ways to get away from it. Stop using your phone and try to deal with your emotions. The entertainment of this world can never fill the empty spaces inside. What you need to do is to be more intentional in your healing process. You can take a break from using your gadgets and try to ask yourself if you are still okay or not. Pause for a while and evaluate the impact of the situations that are going on in your life.

Chose to love yourself. Maybe you think that you can get rid of the problems that you are facing if you just scroll on your social media and watch something funny and entertaining. In such a way, you will divert your attention instead of feeling burdened. It may appear effective, but it will only last for a moment. You have a life in front of you. That’s the reality that you should accept and not the things that you see on your phone. Yes, the truth hurts, but you will only destroy yourself if you don’t acknowledge the real issues of your heart. Whether you like it or not, life will let you experience situations that will push you to face the real problems inside.

Stop neglecting your emotions. You are human, and it’s part of life. God created you as an emotional being. He has a reason for it. So instead of trying your best to get away with what you truly feel, choose to face them. Yes, it takes a brave heart to do it, but you can never let go of something that you didn’t hold on to in the first place. You need to acknowledge what you feel and admit to yourself that you need to work on it. Keep yourself away from distractions such as using your mobile phone. Be more intentional in dealing with your pain, and you will overcome it.

You matter. God created you for a purpose. So focus on the things that can help you grow and stop comparing yourself to other people. Your mobile phone may somehow give you relief, but it will never last. You need to deal with the things that matter most in the end. And that’s the situation of your heart. If you are in pain, then cry it out to God, and He will heal your heart. If you feel so lonely, then talk to your loving Father, and His presence will always be there to comfort you. If you are so tired, then let Him give you the strength that you need. Set your eyes on His goodness, and treat the things of this world as temporary.