
Choose To Focus On Jesus And You Will Find Yourself

Many people are going through some identity crisis in their lives. They are looking for some answers and directions. They are wondering about their purpose and how they should face the different circumstances in front of them. If you are one of those people who wanted to discover your own identity and purpose, then this is a great reminder for you. Sometimes, it will be even harder if you will just focus on yourself. You need to see bigger perspectives in life, and the best way to do it is to focus on Jesus. You may think that it’s impossible to find yourself if you keep on looking at someone else. But Jesus is not a stranger. He is your access to true life. In Him, you will find the reason why you are still alive.

Jesus is the only way. Yes, you may think that you already know Him, but experiencing His presence in your life is totally a different story. Your knowledge of Him is just the tip of the iceberg. When you allow Him to journey with you, that’s the time when He will reveal the status of your heart. He will move from within, and sometimes you will not understand the things that He is doing. But if you will just learn to trust in His ways, you will slowly see yourself through His great love. You will discover the truth that you are a precious treasure, and you are so important.

You will encounter true love in His arms. And that kind of love will give you the freedom to explore this world with confidence. You will no longer be afraid to try new things because you know that God will always be with you wherever you go. He will heal your heart, and He will reveal to you the things that He desires. And only then will you be empowered to do His will. Not because you are obliged to do it, but simply because you experienced His love, and you also want others to encounter Him. When you look upon Jesus, you will start to see yourself as His precious child.

Your true identity can only be discovered in the presence of your creator. This world has a different standard. But God sees your heart, and He is the one who made you. So if you are wondering about the reason why you exist here on earth, then you can always ask Him. Come to Jesus, and He will lead you to the future that He already prepared for you even before you are born.

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