
Choose to obey God even if you think that things Don’t Make Sense

Most of the time, God will not ask you to understand your situation. He just wants you to keep your faith and follow His instructions even if you think that they don’t make sense. Don’t just trust Him when you can clearly see the road that you are taking. Instead, believe in His love even if you don’t know what’s happening and even if you don’t have any clue about what’s ahead. Your faith will only grow the moment you choose to abide in His will despite of the circumstances that you are facing. Remember that what matters most, in the end, is not how well you understand things but it’s about how well you keep your faith in Him. Obedience to God is not an easy thing. Many times you will doubt and ask questions. But don’t allow your negative emotions to influence your decisions. Keep doing the right things.

There are so many important matters that God is doing behind the scene. You think that what He is asking you to do doesn’t make sense because of the things that you see around you, but deep inside, God is preparing and molding you. He is doing something that is very crucial in the spiritual realm. That’s why you need to trust Him even if you find it hard to understand His will. Remember that He is the One who created this world. He alone knows how things work. So instead of relying on your own knowledge, choose to accept God’s instruction so that you will be guided. Do things according to His terms, and you will receive blessings that are beyond what you can imagine.

Thank Him for giving you a chance to increase your faith. The road may appear dark and blurry, but it’s the perfect chance for you to know Him more. Your obedience will never be in vain. When you choose to follow His will, it’s like you are planting seeds that will someday bear fruit. Your full trust in God will never be wasted because it will turn into a blessing one day. So thank Him for teaching you how to obey. It only means that God wants you to experience the best things in life. He doesn’t want you to settle on things that are not meant for you. Keep listening to His voice, and soon, when the time is right, the things that happened in your life will all make sense.

Choose to obey even if it hurts. Carry your cross because that’s how you will realize what it truly means to love God and follow His commands. There will be days when people will test the standards that you are following. They will ask questions that will break your heart. But keep going because the more you obey God, the more you will see His blessings in your life. It’s always an honor to do His will. If God entrusted you with a mission and a command, then it means that He loves you enough to protect and lead you to the right path.