
Choose to See the Love of God Every Day

How you see things affects how you will live. God gives you not just the gift of life but also the gift of making your own decisions. He has given you an ample amount of how you will choose to see things. Along the journey, you have been molded to become who you are at the present moment. Your perspectives are affected by your experiences. Seeing things negatively cannot be avoided if you have been through a lot of pain. But the good news is that you can always choose what perspective you will follow. Your situation may not be as good as you expect it to be, but you can still act and choose to do the right thing.

Similarly, how you will start your day will also affect how it will go. Whatever you encounter along the way, you can still choose and act to do good because it is what you decided to do. Doing good things is not really that hard. You are just hesitant because of fear. The fear of not smiling back when you greet them. The fear of being rejected after trying so hard. The fear of not being treated kindly enough like how you did. Fear can be a cause of such acts. That is why you have been trying so hard to protect yourself from such pain. As a result, doing and seeing good in things will really take some time to convince yourself.
However, looking at things in a good way will greatly help you change your perspective. How you see things affects how you handle them and treat yourself. God wants you to be a bit kinder to yourself. To see the blessings instead of problems. To see yourself as more important than anything in this world.

May you treat yourself as more valued than the titles and different identities that this world can offer. May you also see the good things around you and how God set everything for you. Value good things and think of them. Keep declaring God’s miracles in your life and let it resonate within you. Let it remind you that everything may not be okay at the moment, but someday it will be.

Shower yourself with good words and constantly remind yourself of His promises. The worries and fear will turn into courage. Your problems and hurdles will become a testimony of His goodness. Always remind yourself of the purpose that God has in store for you. Remind yourself to be kind and that you are a vessel of His love. You may not be perfect, but you live with a perfect God.

Choose to see the love of God every day. Have the courage to stand up despite the fear. Be kind to those around you and speak good words to others. It might be hard but always remind yourself of your purpose. You are not doing things because you have to but because you see your life as an instrument to let His love flow to those around you. Don’t lose yourself in this world and its selfish desires. Instead, rely on the One who created all of these to the One who is the most powerful and loving. And in Him, you will always find good reasons to live.