Choose Your Battles
Stop fighting the wrong fight
Stop dealing with the things
that will not save you in the end
Sometimes, your problems
will overwhelm you
But not all challenges
are worth fighting for
Some of them exist just to distract you
So choose the battle
that will make you grow in the end
Sometimes you choose to fight
against the people you love
And you forget that their mistakes
can never define them
You tend to focus on what they did wrong
That’s why you find it hard
to forgive them
You hate them because of their sins
Your enemy is not the person
but the negative things that they did
Remind yourself that people commit mistakes
Yes, you hate the sin
But that doesn’t change the fact
that God wants you to love the sinner
Try to look at the bigger picture
Ask God if you are doing the right thing
Is it worth the risk?
How important is it in your life?
Are you doing it to glorify God?
Or is it for your own good and interest?
Remember that you can never
control other people
So instead of trying to fight others
Just learn to show love
And understand them
Change the way you see things
And manage your own expectations
When you encounter conflicts in life
Remember that you can always ask God’s help
Not all conflicts are worth fighting for
Not at all battles are worth the risk
So before you create more damage
Just pause for a while
And think about your actions
Before you do anything,
try to ask yourself
If I win this battle,
Will this glorify God or just exalt myself?