Choose your Inner Circle
You can’t treat everyone as your true friend. You need to choose your inner circle. They will help you grow in the Lord, and you also spend most of your time with them. You consider them as your true friends. Meaning you are free to share all your thoughts and worries with them. You don’t have any reservations, and you consider them as people who are close to your heart. They have the power to influence your thoughts, and you can also do the same thing to them. Your inner circle will be walking with you along the journey, and you will learn so many things with them.
Don’t you know that Jesus also has an inner circle? They are Peter, James, and John. In the bible, you will read specific events wherein Jesus purposely called the three of them to join Him. They saw Jesus’ transfiguration in the mountain and witnessed the resurrection of a little girl. Jesus intentionally stayed close to them because He was teaching them important lessons. Scholars believed that He was preparing them for what was coming. Even Jesus focused on certain people so that He could help and mentor them. It’s a great reminder for us to do the same thing.
Who you spend most of your time with can greatly influence your life. So try to evaluate those people you usually hang out with. Are they mature enough to remind you to do the right thing? Do you see yourself growing with them? And the most important thing is, are they bringing you closer to God? If not, then you need to make a decision because they will influence the way you think. If their perspective about this life is not aligned to the will of God then expect for worst things to happen.
You can still stay friends with them, but you must look for people who help you grow in the Lord and spend more time with them so that when you are ready, you can also influence your friends who haven’t encountered the love of Jesus. It would be very hard for you to serve God if you are consistently surrounded by people who don’t know Him.
Pray that God will lead you to the right people. Listen to His voice and follow His instructions. Sometimes, He will bring you to a spiritual community or organization. If that happens, just open your heart and allow Him to change your perspective. Let God break the walls of fears, and He will guide you to the people that He prepared for you. If you already have your inner circle, then choose to treasure them and be intentional.
Allow God to mold you so that you’ll learn how to be a true friend. You can’t keep your inner circle if you don’t rely on His grace. He is the only one who can teach you how to value and treasure them. Listen to Him, and He will lead you to do things you never did before. True friends are meant to be the constant people in your life. They are not your god, but they can help you along the journey. Choose to serve and love them while you still have time, and remember that they are gifts from God.

One Comment
Era Jane Sacal
Thank you😇