
Come Back In God’s Arms For He Will Always Accept You

If you think you’ve already gone too far and felt guilty within because of the things you did before. Then always remember that God is just waiting for you to come back in His presence, and He will embrace you with His great love. He accepts you for who you. He knows all your mistakes and the sins that you committed. All you have to do is to ask His forgiveness. Learn to surrender the guilt feeling you have inside and allow the love of God to transform your life. Do not be ashamed because God is your heavenly Father, and His love for you is greater than the sins you have committed. He will redeem you. There is still hope, so never give up in life.

Do not focus on your sins. Yes, God hates the sins that you committed, but He never hates you. He deeply cares for you, and He never wants you to experience the kind of life full of miseries. He wants to set you free. So set your eyes in His love, and He will heal the wounds inside. He will make you whole again. God will turn the broken pieces of your heart into a beautiful masterpiece. Do not listen to the lies of the enemy. You are treasured by God, and He will always be there to help you. In fact, Jesus already died to save you from your sins. All you have to do is receive Him inside your heart and allow His precious blood to clean the impurities you have inside.

Choose to forgive yourself. Sometimes, what hinders you to come back to God is because of the guilt you feel inside. Stop blaming yourself for what happened. Accept the fact that you commit a mistake. Instead of pushing yourself down, try to evaluate the lessons you learned and apply them to your life. Ask for God’s forgiveness and learn to receive His grace. When you encounter His unfailing love, you will also learn to love and accept yourself.

Be humble enough to accept the truth that you need God to save you from the dark past you’ve experienced. You can never make it on your own. The pain inside will keep on hunting you if you will just carry it by yourself. Learn to surrender it all to God and let Him take good care of you. Run into His arms, and He will always embrace you. He is just waiting for your heart to open. So take courage and do not be afraid to ask for His help.