Compassion Starts When You Put Yourself In Other People’s Shoes
You will never really understand the actions of others not unless you put yourself in their shoes. Sometimes, when we are too focused on our lives, we fail to be compassionate with those people who are struggling and need some help. What we see are the things that they did wrong and not their brokenness and hardships. We fail to consider their situation because we focus on their mistakes and not on the stories behind their actions. This is the reason why we need to learn how to be compassionate and stop judging others. If we only put ourselves in their shoes, we will realize that what they are going through is not easy. What they need are not judgments and negative feedback. They need help and compassion.
Choose to listen to their stories first. Before you conclude something, learn to evaluate the story behind the other people’s actions. No matter how bad their deeds are, they always have a reason why they act that way. Their actions were influenced by their perspectives in life. And their thoughts come from the things that they experienced. If you check the stories of their past and the pain that they went through in life, you will realize that it’s not easy at all. And when you start to put yourself in their situation, you will probably think of giving up. That’s why learn to ask first before you make any conclusions.
Try to ask yourself these questions. What if you also experienced the tragedies that happened in their lives? Will you still be able to handle everything? What if you also went through the pain that they experienced? Will you have the same perspective that you have right now? You see, we are all shaped by the situation we are in, and that’s why we can’t really blame other people. Instead of judging them, we need to be compassionate to them because they are also struggling and broken on the inside. Try to understand them even if it’s hard.
Choose love and let God teach you how to do it. You need His help, so come to His presence and let Him teach you how to be compassionate and love others. He will fill your heart with His love so that you will have the strength to accept the imperfections of others. You will be inspired to serve His people the moment you encounter His wonderful grace. God will teach you how to extend His grace to others.

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I love reading your encouraging Scriptures. Thank you