Compelled By Love
Paul and Silas worshipped God in the prison when a violent earthquake happened. The prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose. If they had been so focused on getting out of their cell, they could’ve freely escaped and saved themselves. But then, they didn’t do it. When the jailer woke up, he realized that Paul and the other prisoners chose to stay. And Paul even said to the man not to harm himself.
Because of this act, I can say that Paul and Silas didn’t worship God because they needed something from Him. If they had this motive inside, then they could’ve treated the circumstance as God’s way of answering their heart’s desire. But because of what they did, it was evident that they worship God because of His great love. And that love compelled them to stay even in the midst of suffering to help one man.
They are driven not by the circumstances that they face but by the love that Jesus poured out for them. Paul and Silas were able to discern God’s heart during those moments because they had the right motive.
This verse simply reminds us to purify our hearts before the Lord. Why do we choose to worship God? Is it because we need something from Him? Why do we praise Him even in the midst of suffering? Is it because we are just expecting Him to set us free and save us? Are we doing all these things for our own gain?
God deserves our worship not because of the things that He could do for us, but all because of His great love and who He is. We worship Him out of a grateful heart, and not because of our selfish desires. We praise His name because He is good no matter what circumstances we are in. We chose to glorify Him because we simply love Him. And that love alone will give us the discernment to make better decisions along the way.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding me to purify my heart. Thank you for giving me the chance to experience your love. I pray for your grace, that I may never forget to truly worship you especially in the midst of suffering. Please give me a heart like Paul and Silas, who’s willing to honor your name out of the fullness of Your love. This I ask and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.