His Word

Cry Out To God

But you, Sovereign Lord, help me for your name’s sake; out of the goodness of your love, deliver me. For I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me.

Psalm 109:21-22, NIV

David cried out for God’s help, not out of his own righteousness. He didn’t asked God to bless him because he tried to do the right thing, or he chose to show kindness to others. Instead, he knew that God is sovereign, faithful and good. He didn’t boast on the things that He did. He simply reminded himself who God is.

At times, we may find ourselves asking for God’s help, perhaps by recounting the good deeds we’ve done as if we’re entitled to His assistance. But let’s remember that God’s goodness and love are not a result of our actions or efforts. It’s not about what we’ve done but about who He is. This realization should humble us and fill us with respect for His grace.

Yes, our good deeds may bear fruit, but ultimately, it’s all part of God’s grace and faithfulness. Like David, we’re reminded that God doesn’t deliver us because of our righteousness, but because of His love. Our salvation is a testament to His grace, a reason for us to feel blessed and grateful.

Aside from this, David also acknowledged the wounds in his heart. Instead of trusting in earthly things to temporarily heal him, he chose to cry out to God. He knew that He was the One who could comfort him. He surrendered his wounded heart to God and kept his faith in Him.

David also experienced emotional pain. He knew that it was not easy to deal with it, so he cried out to God for help. May we also learn to do the same thing. May we choose to surrender our wounded hearts to God and allow Him to heal them.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for your goodness and love. Thank you for being there, especially when I was in pain. Please help me, Lord, that I may never forget you in times of suffering. Please teach me how to surrender my wounds inside.  Give me a humble heart that’s willing to surrender all my pain in your presence. And just like David, remind me, Lord, to rely on your love and not on my own righteousness. Be glorified and be magnified, my Lord, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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