His Word

David Chose to Trust God

Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust. O my soul, you have said to the Lord, “You are my Lord, My goodness is nothing apart from You.”

Psalm 16:1-2, NIV

David asked God to preserve Him. Perhaps he went through a very difficult situation that threatened his safety and security. Maybe, David was in trouble. But despite what he felt, he still put his confidence in the Lord. He chose to trust him. A Christian commentator named John Trapp even said, “This was a most powerful plea, for to trust God is the highest honour we can do him, it is to set the crown upon his head.”

David honored God by trusting him. Those who encountered Jesus often had this desire to honor him, and here comes John Trapp, reminding the people that the highest honor we can give God is to trust Him. Not just in good times, but also in moments when we are troubled, just like what David did.

Aside from this, he also reminded his soul who his God was. Sometimes, when we are so consumed with worries and fears, we tend to forget that we are not the god of our lives. We trust in our own understanding as if we are the ruler and the king. That’s why David reminded himself that the Lord was with him, and God was the ruler of his life.

Then, David also humbly acknowledged that His goodness was nothing compared to God. And it was not all about his own righteousness. Instead, it was about God’s goodness in His life. He believed that apart from Him, he was nothing. And he was only able to do what’s right all because of God’s goodness. He knew that it was a precious gift from God.

May this verse remind us how to deal with troubles. David chose to ask help from God, and he trusted Him with all his heart. May we also apply the same thing in our lives. May we learn to keep our faith in God and acknowledge the truth that He is good.  

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for being so good. Thank you for giving us more than enough blessings. Thank you, Lord for reminding us to trust and believe in your love. We pray for more of your grace in our lives. Please continue to teach us how to trust in you. Shape and mold our hearts Lord, that we may always honor you in everything that we do. This we ask, in Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.