His Word

Day 1 – Proverbs 1:33

But the one who always listens to me will live undisturbed in a heavenly peace. Free from fear, confident and courageous, you will rest unafraid and sheltered from the storms of life.

Proverbs 1:33

No matter how chaotic this world is, we will always be looking for some place where we can rest. And we can only find it in the arms of God especially when we will learn to listen to His wisdom. This world will give you a lot of tips on how to live this life to the fullest. But the wisdom of God will provide you with heavenly peace. You will have no fear at all, and you will be confident in His presence. You will face the storms in life with courage because you know that His wisdom will be guiding you all along the way.

“May you always choose to listen to God’s wisdom rather than pursue things that will end up breaking your heart.”


  • Marjorie Robles

    Thank you for this plan of posting daily verse. It is true that we cant handle things on our own. There will be time that we might feel tired and exhausted. But its important to know where to hide and seek peace and love in the presence of God.