His Word

Day 116- Matthew 3:8

Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.

Matthew 3:8, NIV

If you think that God already forgave you, then allow Him to mold and prune you so that you will produce fruit. This kind of fruit is something that people can’t buy. It will always last for a lifetime, and it will please God. Do good things to others, and you will receive good things in life. Make the most of what you have here on earth by glorifying God in everything that you do. Share the blessings that you have to others. Make use of your talents and skills to honor the name of the Lord. Learn new things so that you will be able to share them with others. Remember that God already set you free. It simply means that the enemy has no power in your life. So bear fruit. The Holy Spirit will give you fruits that will always last. And its love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

I pray that you will always choose to produce fruit and glorify God in your life.