His Word

Day 119 – Matthew 6:14

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

Matthew 6:14, NIV

Forgiveness is very difficult to give, especially for those who went through so much pain in life. But God’s desire for all of us is to forgive those who sinned against us. I know that is not easy, but we need to open our hearts so that the love of God can come in. His love alone will teach us to accept others, and eventually, it will lead us to forgive them. You can’t do it on your own. Allow God to teach you how to receive His grace so that you will be able to share it with others. Forgiveness is not just a gift that you can give to those people who caused you pain, but it is also a wonderful gift for yourself. It will set you free, and when you learn to forgive them, you also allow yourself to receive God’s forgiveness. Remember that we are not perfect. We all commit mistakes. That’s why we need the grace of God to remind us that no matter what we did in the past, we always have the chance to experience His great love.

May the grace of God lead you to forgive those people who broke your heart.