His Word

Day 125 – Matthew 10:32

Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.

Matthew 10:32, NIV

Please don’t forget that Jesus is with you along the journey. Acknowledge His presence in everything that you. Glorify Him in your life. Never forget the things that He did on the cross. He saved you from your sins. He loves you so much. If you already encountered His great love, then please don’t hesitate to share it with others. Proclaim His name in your life and share His goodness. He simply deserves all the glory. Remember that we are nothing without Him. His grace is the reason why we still receive a lot of blessings in life.  So continue to please Jesus in everything that you do. Let the works of your hands bring glory to your one and only Savior. And if you honor Him in all your ways, He will also acknowledge you before our Heavenly Father.

I pray that you will always to glorify the name of Jesus in everything that you do.