His Word

Day 129 – Matthew 16:25

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.

Matthew 16:25, NIV

Following Jesus takes a sacrifice, you need to carry your own cross and give up the things that will not glorify His name. We need to lose our selfish desires and learn how to let go of the things that will lead us to greater distraction. If we will learn to sacrifice our own wants and needs, then that’s the moment when we encounter Jesus in our lives. We need to know how to love for us to share Jesus with others. And we can’t do it if we are not willing to overcome the pain that we experience from those who broke our hearts. It takes a brave heart for us to truly love a person and follow the will of God. But His grace will always be enough to sustain us.

I pray that you will choose to sacrifice your selfish desires so that Jesus may shine in your life.