Day 132 – Psalm 88:13
But I cry to you for help, Lord; in the morning my prayer comes before you.
psalm 88:13, NIV
Don’t stop praying to God when you don’t know what to do when you are so tired because of your problems, remember that you can ask for God’s help. He will guide you. Just don’t walk away from Him. Lean on His shoulders and choose to embrace His love. Cry out to God, and He will perform miracles in your life. Connect to Him every single day. Let your life be rooted in His love and stay in His presence. He is listening to your cries. You may not feel His hands moving in the midst, or you may not receive the answers to your prayers but keep in mind that God’s plans will always prevail. One day, you will realize that He is there with you, and He never leaves your side.
May you never stop praying to God.