His Word

Day 136 – Psalm 90:12

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

PsalM 90:12, NIV

When we are too occupied with the things of this world, we tend to forget the truth that our days here on earth are very limited. And because of that, we unknowingly misuse the resources around us, thinking that we still have enough time left. But you must always put in your heart that your life in this world is just temporary. Whether you like it or not, you will face death at the end of the day. So let God teach you how to number your days so that you will know how to properly use your time for the expansion of His kingdom. You will gain a heart of wisdom the moment you realize how short your life is. Just don’t wait for everything to be too late. While you are still breathing, use what you have to glorify God’s name. Make the most of the resources that He has given.

I pray that God will teach you how to number your days so that your life will not be wasted.