His Word

Day 137 – Matthew 23:12

 For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

Matthew 23:12, NIV

Be humble in the presence of God and choose to serve the people around you. Do not focus on the things that you will gain here on earth. Instead, set your eyes on pleasing God. Use the talents and gifts that he provided for you to bless and serve others. Help the people around you and imagine that it’s like you are also doing the same thing to God as you serve them. Being humble means acknowledging the truth that God alone is the only one who is worthy to receive all the praises. Let’s bring back all the glory and honor to Him by doing good things to others. And only then will they realize that everything we have is not because of our own efforts and strength, but simply because of the goodness of God in our lives.

I pray that you will always have the humble heart to exalt the name of God in everything that you do.