Day 138 – Psalm 91:2
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
Pslam 91:2, NIV
Keep this verse in your heart so that when you experience painful and unexpected events, you will be reminded that God is your refuge and fortress. In Him, you are always safe. People may try to harm you, or you may go through storms and uncertainties, but keep trusting God, and you will find rest in His arms. He will comfort you and give you the peace that you need. When you can’t understand what’s going on, let this verse open your eyes to His great power. You have a home. You can run to God for safety and protection. He will never neglect you. Instead, with arms wide open, He will embrace and give you the love that you need. He loves you so much, and that will never change.
I pray that you will treat God as your refuge and fortress.