His Word

Day 141 – Psalms 92:12

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree they will grow like cedar of Lebanon.

PsaLms 92:12, NIV

The righteous will flourish. It means that they will grow and prosper in the arms of God. They will bear fruit, and they will live an abundant life. No matter what storm they face, they will stay deeply rooted in the house of God. They will not be easily shaken, and they will continue to bloom no matter how many problems they face. God’s people will keep growing even in the midst of difficulties. So choose to do the right thing. Follow Him and His instructions. Please Him and not the people around you. Glorify His Name in everything that you do. Love Him with all your heart and put Jesus at the center because He alone can lead you to the path of righteousness. Trust and keep your faith in Him.

I pray that you will stay righteous in the eyes of God.