Day 143 – Psalm 96:1
Sing to the Lord a new song; sings to the Lord, all the earth.
pslam 96:1, NIV
Sing praises to the Name of God. Turn your worries into worship. Rejoice in His presence and remember His goodness. His mercy is new every morning. Lift your hands and command your soul to bring praise to His Name. Remember His goodness. Never forget the miracles that He did. Keep in mind that God alone deserves all the glory and honor. When your heart is breaking, when your mind is full of worries, just come to His presence and sing to Him. You may not see it, but God is changing something in the spiritual realm. He is moving. He hears your song, and He will give you the strength that you need. Glorify His name, and let the people around you know that your God is greater than your problems.
May you always sing praises to His name.