Day 148 – Psalm 32:11
Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous; sing, all you who are upright in heart!
Psalm 32:11, NIV
Let God be the only source of your joy. Remind yourself that you always have the reason to be happy in the presence of God. You may experience challenges in your life, but always remember that nothing can compare to the goodness of God. No matter how difficult your situation is, God will always be there to pour out blessings for you. He will continue to provide you with what you need. His love is already enough for us to rejoice and sing praises to His name. Raise your hand and worship God in your life. Rejoice and be glad because God’s grace will always be there to sustain us.
May you always choose to be happy despite all the difficulties that you are facing in life.

One Comment
Hannah Mae Dingle
Thank you Lord for your Beautiful message