Day 153 – Psalms 105:4
Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.
Psalms 105:4,NIV
This world will give you so many distractions. That’s why you need to set your eyes on Him. Focus on His power, especially when you are surrounded by problems. Receive His strength and do not rely on your own understanding. Remember His promises and know that He will fulfill all of them. Our God is faithful. He knows how to take good care of you. Seek His face and not the treasures of this world. Recall the miracles that He did in your life and choose to trust in Him. When you think that you can’t carry the pain, know that He is with you. So set your eyes on His great power. He can do mighty things in your life as long as you allow Him.
I pray that you focus on God and set your eyes on Him.