His Word

Day 156 – Psalm 107:28

Then they cried out the Lord in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distress.

Psalm 107:28, NIV

When you are going through hardships and troubles, just call upon God, and He will rescue you. Surrender your worries and fears to Him. Let Him take good care of you. Do not rely on other people. Instead, put your hope in God, and do not be dismayed. He will bring you out from the darkness you are in. Trust in His name, and do not be troubled. Focus on His power and turn your negative thoughts into powerful prayers. Lift up your hands and cry out to Him. He hears your heart. And He will perform miracles in your life. Believe that He is greater than the circumstances you are facing.

May you choose to cry out to God and depend on Him.

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