Day 160 – 1 Samuel 17:47
All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give all of you into our hands.
1 samuel 14:47, NIV
This is what David said to Goliath when he made fun of Him. Goliath may look like a giant, but David knew by heart who his God is. And he knows that God will save His people from the hands of the enemy. That’s why he is bold enough to defeat Goliath. Like David, we also encounter many giants in life, but we need to remember that the Lord will save us, and He will win the battle for us. So never face your problems on your own. Surrender it to God, and believe with all your heart that He will help you. He holds the victory, so no matter how difficult your situation is, remind yourself that God is powerful and He can do all things.
May you learn to offer your battle to God and let Him lead you to victory.