His Word

Day 161 – Psalms 112:5

Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.

Psalms 112:5, NIV

You are surrounded by people who need some help. You may not see it with your own eyes, but if you look deeper, you will realize that this world needs you. Come to God. Listen to Him, and He will give you a heart that’s willing to help and serve others. The blessings you receive are not meant to be hidden. You need to learn how to share them. You may think that you don’t have enough, but if you just focus on God, you will see the abundant resources around you which you can use in serving His people. These resources are not just your money, but it includes your time, talent, skills, and gifts. You can use them to glorify God by helping others.

I pray that you will learn to be generous to the people around you.