Day 165 – Psalm 116:15
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants.
Psalm 116:15, NIV
God looks at the suffering you experienced for Him as precious. If you think that your life here on earth is a waste because of the challenges you face, just remember that as long as you do what’s right in the eyes of God, everything you are going through will never be in vain. God sees your heart. And He knows your desires. So keep following Him even if it means walking along the difficult path. Continue to glorify His name because the pain that you feel inside will bear fruit that will take you through eternity. Jesus called us to carry our cross and follow Him. It means that we need to endure and be patient when we suffer for Him. When you die to yourself, it means that you allow Jesus to live.
I pray that you will stay faithful to God even in the midst of suffering and death.