Day 172 – Luke 14: 11
For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
luke 14:11, niv
Acknowledge the Sovereignty of God in your life. Stay humble in His presence and depend on Him more than you rely on your own knowledge and skills. Abide in His word and put Him at the center of your life. Exalt Him in everything that you do and stop controlling the things that you can’t handle. Let God take good care of you, and do not be selfish. Allow God to teach you how to serve Him and the people around you. Do not allow your ego to consume your heart. Instead, let the love of God reign so that you will be able to share His blessings. Learn to serve your brothers and sisters who are in great need. Honor and respect the people around you. Treat them like how God treated you.
I pray that you will choose to humble yourself in the presence of God.