Day 174 – Luke 15:10
In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
Luke 15:10, NIV
Heaven will rejoice when a sinner comes in the presence of God and humbly ask for forgiveness. That’s how God loves us so much. He would gladly rejoice when we come into His arms and repent for the sins that we did. He is just waiting for us to go back home. So do not be afraid. Come to His presence and surrender all the things that hinder you to worship His name. He will purify you, and through the blood of Jesus, He will save you from your sins. God will never condemn you. In fact, He wants to set you free from the bondage of your past. He wants to restore your life and make it new. You just have to allow His love to reign in your heart. Remember that you are His beloved. And you are always welcome in the arms of God.
I pray that you will not be afraid to come to the presence of God and ask for His forgiveness.