Day 178 – Luke 18:17
Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.
Luke 18:17, NIV
Try to look at a little child and let their innocence remind you what the kingdom of God looks like. It would be very hard for you to receive His Kingdom if you will keep on doubting the power of God. Learn from a little child. Observe the way they believe and do things. Only then will you see that it takes a pure heart for you to keep the faith inside. So stop asking questions and believe that He will do great things in your life. Choose to trust in Him even if you can see anything yet. Do not be afraid because your Heavenly Father will always be with you wherever you go. You will never be disappointed as long as you learn to follow His ways. Like a child who stops asking explanations, learn to move forward even if you can’t understand the things around you.
I pray God will give you a childlike faith that seeks to believe without any doubts or questions.