His Word

Day 182 – Luke 22:26

But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves.

Luke 22:26, NIV

Learn to serve the people around you. Sometimes, it’s really hard to do good things, especially to those who never appreciate our existence, but God is calling us to love and serve them. It may not be an easy thing to do, but we just have to imagine that we are doing it for the sake of Christ. Let’s choose to honor Him by simply helping those who are in need. We need to learn how to respect the people around us, just like how we respect God. If we wanted to be great in the eyes of God, then we need to serve His people. Remember that His standard is very different from what we have in mind. So let’s continue to follow His ways so that we will always be guided.

I pray that you will always choose to serve the people around you even if you encounter negative situations in life.