His Word

Day 189 – John 5:14

Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.”

John 5:14, NIV

Jesus said these words to a man who was paralyzed for 38 years. He healed the man, and because of what Jesus did, He was able to walk again. And then He told him to stop sinning or else something worse might happen. This is a wonderful reminder for all of us. We need to focus on Jesus and do the things the please His name. Let’s remind ourselves that Jesus didn’t save us so that we can commit another sin. Instead, He wants to set us free from bondage and give us the freedom to do His will. So let’s stop doing the things that will just destroy us in the end. Let Jesus be the center of our lives and make Him the reason for our everything.

I pray that you will focus on doing the will of God in your life and stop following your own selfish desires.