Day 191 – Psalms 143:10
Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.
psalms 143:10, NIV
Pray for this kind of heart. David asked God to teach Him to do His will. He acknowledged the truth that there are things in life that He doesn’t know. That’s why He humbly ask God to lead Him. Sometimes, when we are so consumed with the matters of this world, we tend to forget to ask for God’s guidance. We immediately follow our desires thinking that it’s what’s best for us. But choose to depend on God. Treat Him as your teacher. Let Him be the King of your life. Follow His will, and you will be safe. Remember that growth only happens if you have a teachable heart, just like David.
May you always have a teachable heart who’s humble enough to do God’s will.