Day 196 -John 8:36
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
John 8:36,NIV
Jesus will set you free. So open your heart and let His love come in. If you feel like you are in the middle of a dark path and it seems like there’s no hope for you, then just come to Jesus, and He will rescue you. He will heal the wounds inside, and He will take away the bondage of your past. He will teach you how to love again so that the pain can no longer hinder you from experiencing His great blessings. Receive Jesus in your life and let Him reign. Choose to listen to His voice and do not entertain the negative thoughts you have inside. Jesus can do a lot of miracles in your life as long as you allow Him.
I pray that you will open your heart so that Jesus will reign inside and He will set you free.

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Geromin Rodriguez