Day 206 – John 14:3
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
John 14:3, nIV
Jesus already prepared the place for those who faithfully serve Him, and He will take His followers back into His arms. So do not focus on the negative circumstances around you. Never allow your problems to stop you from following Him. Continue to serve Him even if you go through hardships in life. Your perseverance in the arms of God will bear fruit, and you will prosper. Jesus also prepared the place where you can be with Him forever, and that place is always worth the pain and all the risks. So keep on moving. Choose to have faith and let His love surround you wherever you go.
I pray that you will focus on Jesus and choose to follow Him even if you go through hardships.

One Comment
Janet kim
Thank you Lord God for everything,you let me see what is the reality of life,as i observed in my past hardship until now is almost the same,the only different was i learned to accept what is my life now and embraced the thruth…Acceptance is the best part of it and now i planned to go back overseas to work but i felt the lack was getting far …before that i orayed and ask you Lord to give me a Sign.Yes maybe you were right and the luck is not in other country .