His Word

Day 228- Proverbs 16:2

All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord.

Proverbs 16:2, niv

The Lord will check your heart. He will look at your motives. People may say that what you are doing for them is all good, but God knows the reason behind your actions. So let Him purify your heart. Allow Him to change the negative thoughts you have inside. Let Him take away your selfish desires. Submit to His will and let Him guide you along the way. Your selfish motives will just hurt other people. So choose to please God with all your heart. He just wants you to experience great things in life. That’s why you need to obey Him. He knows the perfect path that you need to follow.

I pray that you will always allow God to reign in your heart and let Him wash away the negative motives you have inside.