Day 230 – Acts 10:25-26
As Peter entered the house, Cornelius met him and fell at his feet in reverence. But Peter made him get up. “Stand up,” he said, “I am only a man myself.”
Acts 10:25-26, NIV
There are moments in life when we tend to feel in awe of the people that God used to bless us. Instead of looking at God, we tend to focus on others because of the things that they did in our lives. There’s nothing wrong with admiring someone, but don’t make them the God of your life. Remember that they are also humans, and God only used them to glorify His name. Set your eyes on the one who truly deserves everything. Just like what Peter said to Cornelius when he tried to honor him. Peter reminded the humble servant of God to stand up and told him that he is only human.
I pray that you will always choose to worship and honor God instead of focusing on what other people are doing.