His Word

Day 242- Romans 6:18

You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.

Romans 6:18, NIV

You are free. Jesus died on the cross to save you, which means your sins can no longer control your life. You are a slave to righteousness. If Jesus is in your heart, then you will no longer allow the desires of your flesh to consume your mind. Instead, you will focus on His kingdom, and you will choose to think of the things that will glorify His name. Jesus already set you free from the bondage of the past, and all you have to do is receive His healing in your life. He will lead you to do the right thing, and as long as you put Him at the center, then His light will shine in your life, and you will never walk in the darkness again.

I pray that you will focus on Jesus and choose to do the right thing in His eyes.