His Word

Day 257 – John 5:30

By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.

John 5:30, NIV

Jesus chose not to please Himself but His Father in heaven. He obeyed His instructions and glorified His Name. He may be the Son of God, He may have the power, but Jesus humbled Himself and chose to submit to His Father’s will. He acknowledged that He is nothing without God’s help. We are also called to obey Jesus and please His name. What He did is an example for us to follow. We must remember that we are nothing without His grace and love. That’s why, in everything that we do, we must choose to honor His name and stop relying in our selfish motives.

I pray that you will choose to please God above all else.