His Word

Day 288 – Proverbs 14:11

The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish.

Proverbs 14:11, NIV

If you think that God is unfair, then always remember this verse. He will flourish the house of the upright and destroy the house of the wicked. You may not see it now, but one day, you will see the hands of God in the lives of the righteous. So choose to abide in His will and keep pleasing Him even when no one is watching. Let your integrity be rooted in His love. Doing what is right may sometimes be difficult, especially when you are surrounded by wicked people, but keep honoring God. Know that the sacrifices that you offered for Him will never be wasted. God will turn them into fruitful seeds.

I pray that you will keep on doing what is right in the eyes of God.