Day 295 – Proverbs 21:30
There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30, NIV
Do not worry because God’s plans will always prevail. No wisdom can ever exceed the His purpose in your life. So if you have so many things that you deeply desire, then come to Him and submit all your plans. Include Him in your decisions and align your thoughts to His word. There may be days when you think that you can do it without Him, but be humble enough to accept the truth that only God knows what’s ahead. Do not do things that you will regret in the end. Surrender your desires to God first, and everything will go well. The path may not be easy, but as long as you are living according to His purpose, then you will succeed and be victorious.
May you always choose to consult God first and acknowledge His will.