His Word

Day 324 – Hebrews 6:10

God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.

hebrews 6:10, NIV

God sees what you are doing. He will never forget the things that you did for His glory. Know that He is a just God. He will reward you in His perfect timing. The works of your hands are like seeds that you planted in the His Kingdom. One day, it will bear fruits and prosper. Your breakthrough is coming, so keep on walking with Him. Maybe you think that what you did is nothing compared to what other people are doing for God, but remember that He sees your heart. He values your intention. Just don’t give up because He appreciates every little thing that you are doing. Know that your efforts and the hardships you’ve been through will never be in vain.

I pray that you will keep on serving God even if nobody appreciates you.