Day 361- Luke 1:80
And the child grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel.
Luke 1:80, NIV
This verse was referring to John. With the help of God, he grew strong in spirit. But He was not exposed directly to the public. Our Heavenly Father guided John in the wilderness. He was there training him for the purpose that He planted in his heart. Just like you, John also experienced moments in the dessert. But God can turn your wilderness season into a preparation. In those times, you will experience so much pain and heartaches, but trust that He is there to give you the lessons that you need to learn. Just be patient and do not rely on your own understanding. Know that when the perfect time comes, God will expose you to the right people and the right opportunity.
I pray that you will endure your moments in the wilderness and treat them as your chance to grow closer to the Lord.