His Word

Day 367 – Proverbs 2:6

For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Proverbs 2:6, NIV

If you can’t understand what’s going on in your life, then always keep this in mind. The Lord gives wisdom. So seek Him and allow Him to teach you what to do. Do not rely on your own understanding. Instead, meditate on His word and let His wisdom guide you to the right path. It’s so easy to follow our own opinions especially when we are too occupied by our emotions, but we need to remember that there are a lot of things that we need to learn first. So consult the only One who truly knows what’s happening behind the scene. Give up your desire to control everything that’s going on in your life. Choose to surrender and allow God to take over.

I pray that you will seek God’s wisdom and understanding.